Apogee Learning Enhancement Training Systems
to sounds is this child a failure? Or have we, the bearers of judgment and the creators of arbitrary standards, failed?

The relationship of the “Seven Rays of Natural Intelligence”©, Survival, Change, Transformation, Balance, Communication, Visualization, and Transcendence, to the requirements of reading, mathematics, social sciences, writing, language, creativity, science and the arts are explored. In this way the student is brought closer to understanding the integrative action of the mind-body energy system and its relationship to learning. The student experiences the communication between mind and body and comes to more fully appreciate the power of one’s inner resources. Practices to enhance readiness for the learning process and to reduce stress so often experienced by these students in their everyday lives include:

  • Breath Awareness
  • Use of the Neti Pot
  • Nutritional Guidance
  • Guided Relaxation
  • Creative Visualization
  • Centering
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Affirmations
  • Imaging
  • Clustering
  • Music & Movement
  • Art & Color

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