Apogee Learning Enhancement Training Systems
that incorporate breath awareness, music and movement. The use of color and breath awareness has reduced the stress associated with the reading task. Reading scores have progressed one, two, and three years within six months of program implementation. Remedial math instruction incorporates breath awareness, movement, visualization and body awareness exercises. The student who has experienced failure so often feels apart from his own very being. These practices allow the student the opportunity to realign self with self.

As the students become more aware of themselves, more respectful of the care they must give their own bodies, more aware of how – what they do, what they think, what they believe, what they fear, what and how they feel, influence their ability to learn, they no longer feel defenseless in the wake of stress nor do they continue to be the victim of stress. These students have come to more fully understand the significance of themselves, their feelings and their own inner resources as they witness the “A” replacing the “D”, the success replacing the failure, the acceptance replacing the rejection, the calm replacing the chaos.

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